Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Phenomenal significance of green tea

A famous Chinese proverb, very correctly says "Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one." Indian tea, particularly, green tea has a lot of health benefits. Its antioxidants, being scientifically termed as catechins, can help in curing atherosclerosis, blood clots and cancer. Drinking green tea improves the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol as well as lowers total cholesterol levels. The studies indicate that green tea can treat heart disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, infection and impaired immune function. It also helps in weight loss and curing tooth decay.

India is a steadfast and trusted tea exporter in the world. A tea exporter in India exports tea of excellent quality from Assam and other major states ideal for growing tea. Indian tea is reckoned for its optimum flavors, health benefits, medicinal characteristics and quality color and texture. The amazing savor and rich fragrance also make Indian tea an extensively preferred product worldwide.

Another feature because of which Indian tea exporters are highly acclaimed is the unique techniques they employ for tea packaging. Indian tea industry needs to keep performing efficiently as always in order to keep pace with its other components across the globe.

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