Friday, 5 July 2013

A Practical Guide to Choose Excellent Quality of Greenberry Tea

Green tea is considered as the healthiest variety of teas seeing that it undergoes least oxidation during the stage of processing. Studies have shown that the main reason behind plentiful health benefits of this beverage is the presence of catechin polyphenols like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG); which is a strong anti-oxidant that lowers the growth of the cancerous cells and destroys them without causing any harm to the body tissues. Moreover, the chemical constituents in this drink prove to be helpful in inhibiting the irregular formation of clots and reducing the LDL cholesterol levels. Organic green tea is also effective in regulating the glucose levels in the body, especially following the meal by slowing down the function of a digestive enzyme known as amylase.

It is an exceptional type of tea that has a number of medicinal properties more than any other type of tea. Here is a guide that will help you in getting the green tea that is excellent in terms of quality from the market. If you are buying this drink for the first time, buy it in small quantity so that you can digest if the quality of the drink that you have bought is not up to the mark as you have not spent much. You must buy the green tea in the loose form in comparison to the tea bags. This is due to the larger size of the tea leaves in loose tea and more swelling of these leaves while brewing this tea. So if possible then you should pick up loose tea over the bagged tea. You can also search for the leading tea exporter online or in the marketplace.  The best time to buy the green tea is after the spring harvest is done in the month of May or June. 

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