Monday, 22 July 2013

Imbibe Black Tea Daily For Strengthening Health of Body

Studies have suggested that coffee proves to be harmful to health as against the tea. There are several reasons for which all the varieties of tea are good for health of the body. Let us take a look at the properties of black tea that makes it offer several health benefits to people who consume it regularly. Likewise, green tea, black tea is also obtained from the plant known as camellia sinensis.  For the processing of this beverage, tea leaves are steeped, so that it gets a dark color when it is prepared. The drink obtained from a black tea supplier is well-known for particularly low caffeine content, which makes it a wonderful drink for blood circulation in the body.

Another useful ingredient in black tea is fluoride that is good for oral and bone health. It consists of flavonoids which are also present in apples. Different from the organic green tea, this variety gets rid of all the antioxidants found it during the stage of processing. In addition to doing great for the immune system in the body, it is also helpful in fighting bacteria. Since it is a known fact that drinking tea keeps the body hydrated, a cup of black tea is useful in moisturizing the skin. Moreover, it helps to balance the hormone levels, thereby, making the mind and body relieved of work-related or any other type of stress. When you start drinking two to three cups of tea, the digestive tracts in the body will function smoothly. It also possesses useful anti-inflammatory qualities. By balancing the cholesterol levels, it reduces the risks of strokes to a large extent. 

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